Saturday, December 19, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions on COVID-19 Vaccine

 Covid-19 Year 2019-20 was a nightmare for Humanity. Health Professionals EMEREGED as super Hero through out the World during this Pandemic situation.   We all health professionals faced "DO or Die" condition. Whole World has recognized our role and every one has appreciated too.

Hopefully, Coming year 2021 will be  year of Corona Eradication . WHO and other Government organizations have started COVID vaccination in various countries . 
Indian government has announced  first round of Vaccination that hopefully will start in 2021. Many People have different queries about Covid vaccine effectiveness, Schedule etc. 
As being a Health Professional we must have answer of some most common queries. There is a link  with this post which has detailed about FAQs about Covid vaccination.

Thank you. 

Ravi Verma
M.Pharm(Pharmacy Practice-NIPER)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pharmacist behind Trial of Coronavirus vaccine

The first testing in humans of an experimental vaccine for the new coronavirus began on Monday, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced.
The main goal of this first set of tests is to find out if the vaccine is safe. If it is, later studies will determine how well it works.
The trial was “launched in record speed,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the institute’s director, said in a statement.
Such rapid development of a potential vaccine is unprecedented, and it was possible because researchers were able to use what they already knew about related coronaviruses that had caused other diseases outbreaks, SARS and MERS.