Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bridge Course Regulation -Bachelor of Pharmacy Practice (B.Pharm.Pr.)

Bachelor of Pharmacy Practice (Bridge course) Regulations 2010
(Regulations framed under section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948)

Bachelor of Pharmacy Practice (B.Pharm.Pr.) shall consist of a degree certificate of having passed the course of study and examination as prescribed in these regulations, for the purpose of additional qualification to be entered in Register of Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Duration of the course. –
a) The duration of the course shall be of two academic years with each year spread over a period of not less than 180working days
Minimum qualification

i. A Pass in Diploma in Pharmacy Course from an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of
India approved under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.
ii. A registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act.
iii. A Minimum of four years of pharmacy practice experience in a community or hospital
pharmacy –
a. A certificate from competent authority stating that the candidate is endorsed as Registered
Pharmacist in the Drug License of a Pharmacy as proof practice experience in case of
community pharmacist
b. A certificate from the Principal / medical Superintendent / competent person of the
Hospital/Health Unit stating that the candidate is working as a pharmacist will be accepted
as proof of practice experience in case of hospital pharmacist
iv. A no objection certificate from the employer in prescribed format (Annexure -A)